Monday, November 5, 2012

7th Annual Return From Exile Program

The 7th Annual Return From Exile Program, honoring Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba, will be hosted by the American Murid DAARAH!

This annual program is to honor Cheikh Ahmadou Bamaba for his courageous and tireless effort in protecting Islam in Africa and shielding the Senegalese people from the negative affects of colonization and moral bankruptcy.

Date: November 11, 2012
Time: 6:00 pm-11:00 pm
Location: IIT Auditorium 
10 W. 35th Street
Chicago, IL 60616

If you're interested, contact: 
Abdoulaye Bamba Mbaye (708)-979-4098 
OR Abdoulaye Samb (773)-759-9597

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

L'enquête Du Santé Sur Les Chauffeurs de Taxi Africains

Ce mois, UAO a lancé son enquête de la Santé pour les chauffeurs de taxi à Chicago. Cette enquête portera sur l'accès des chauffeurs de taxi Africains aux services des soins de santé à Chicago. UAO a identifié l'accès aux soins de santé abordables comme un problème important dans la communauté africaine. Cette enquête comporte 25 questions simples, qui mettent l'accent sur ​​la santé globale des chauffeurs de taxi.

Cliquez sur ce lien pour remplir le questionnaire:

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

African Cabdrivers Health Survey

UAO has started its African Cabdrivers Health Survey in Chicago this month. This survey will examine African cabdrivers’ access to health care services in Chicago. Our organization has identified access to affordable health care as an issue of particular significance to the African community at large. In an effort to examine the particular effects of this issue, UAO has chosen to focus this study on the African cabdriver segment of the community.

This survey includes 25 simple questions, which focus on cabdrivers’ overall health. However, the survey also explores other issues including their educational background, working hours, and county of birth. These questions will allow UAO to gain a comprehensive understanding of the population’s make-up and needs and use this information to advocate on their behalf.

If you or anyone you know is currently working as a cabdriver, please fill out or ask them to fill out the survey online by clicking on this link:

Monday, October 29, 2012

Join UAO & Allies to Get Out the Vote!!

Join UAO and Allies for Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Rally to Protect Families, WIN Immigration Reform and Driver’s Licenses for ALL!!

WHERE: Teamster Local 705 Auditorium, 300 S. Ashland, Chicago, IL 
WHEN: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 6:00PM

Come Celebrate with UAO and allies who:
  •  Broke a *NEW* record registering 26,488 new voters (42% suburbs, 58% city) in 20 different immigrant communities in Chicago and its suburbs .
  •  Contact over 159, 885 immigrant voters for GOTV with door knocks, mail and phones calls
  •  Activate thousands of GOTV volunteers in more than 450 precincts on election day
Check out this short GOTV video made by ICIRR!

We Hope To See You There!

Free Informational and Screening Session for Diabetes!

African Americans are twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes as non-Hispanic whites. In addition, they are more likely to suffer complications from diabetes, such as end-stage renal disease and lower extremity amputations. Although African Americans have the same or lower rate of high cholesterol as their non-Hispanic white counterparts, they are more likely to have high blood pressure.

African American adults are twice as likely than non-Hispanic white adults to have been diagnosed with diabetes by a physician.
  • In 2008, African American men were 2.7 times as likely to start treatment for end-stage renal disease related to diabetes, as compared to non-Hispanic white men.
  • In 2008, diabetic African Americans were 1.7 times as likely as diabetic Whites to be hospitalized.
  • In 2009, African Americans were 2.2 times as likely as non-Hispanic Whites to die from diabetes.

The Thapelo Institute, Inc. invites you and anyone that you may know who may be at risk for diabetes to a free informational program and screening on

Saturday, November 3, 2012
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Prince Hall Masonic Lodge
809 East 42nd Place

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Diversity Lottery Registration for 2014 Has Opened

Online registration for the Diversity Lottery 2014 Program started on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), and concludes on Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4).

The congressionally mandated Diversity Immigrant Visa Program is administered on an annual basis by the US Department of State and conducted based on United States law, specifically Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). This law provides for a class of immigrants known as “diversity immigrants,” with visas made available to persons from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States. For Fiscal Year 2014, 50,000 diversity visas (DV) will be available.

The annual DV program makes visas available to persons meeting simple, but strict, eligibility requirements. A computer-generated, random drawing chooses selectees for DVs. The visas are distributed among six geographic regions, and within each region, no single country may receive more than seven percent of the available DVs in any one year. Visas are allocated to natives of countries with historically lower rates of U.S. immigration. Natives of countries who have sent more than 50,000 immigrants to the United States over the past five years are not eligible to apply for the Diversity Visa program.

Any African is eligible to apply for the Diversity Lottery if they have either a high school education or its equivalent, defined as successful completion of a 12-year course of elementary and secondary education; OR two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation requiring at least two years of training or experience to perform.

For more information, visit the official Diversity Lottery website at:

To apply for the Diversity Lottery go to:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Extended Deadline for Western Union Scholarship

The Western Union Family Scholarship Program helps immigrant/migrant fathers and sons, mothers and daughters and brothers and sisters move up the economic development ladder through education. Scholarships can be used for college tuition, language acquisition, technical training and GED classes, with two family members receiving a scholarship to help achieve the type of education they need in order to create a brighter future for their entire family.

Eligibility requirements:
All applicants for scholarships must be age 18 or older.
Both applicants are members of the same family.
Applicants must have been in the United States for 7 years or less.
Both applicants must have been born outside of the United States.
Both applicants must be living in the United States currently.
Applicants must reside in one of the following U.S. locations: Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California; Denver, Colorado; Chicago, Illinois; New York, New York; Washington, DC; Miami, Florida
The educational institutions for both of the family members must be in the United States.
The application must include educational institutions for both the primary and secondary award recipients (the two family members).
Scholarships may be used for tuition for college/university education, language acquisition classes, technical/skill training, and/or financial literacy.
Scholarships may not be used for advanced degrees (such as Masters, PhD).
Scholarships will only be made to nonprofit accredited higher education institutions and nonprofit training/educational providers.
Western Union employees, Western Union Agents and dependents are not eligible to apply for these scholarships.

Process for Selection

Scholarship recipients are determined in a selection process independently managed by the Institute of International Education (IIE), an international non-profit educational exchange organization. All scholarship awards will be paid directly to the educational providers. No payments will be made to individuals.


August 27, 2012: Application open and available
October 19, 2012: Application due date
November 26 - 30, 2012: Notifications made

Contact Information

For questions related to this scholarship program, please contact the administering organization, Institute of International Education (IIE) by phone, fax, or e-mail at:

Institute of International Education
1400 K St. NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: (202)326-7861
Fax: (202)326-7696

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Institutions, Party Politics, and Private Sector Development in Africa

What: "Institutions, Party Politics, and Private Sector Development in Africa" lecture by Anne Pitcher

When: Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM  

Where: 620 Library Place, Conference Room Evanston, IL 60201

For more information please contact Kate Dargis at 847-491-7323 or


Professor Anne Pitcher from the University of Michigan will be holding a lecture on October 23rd discussing, "Institutions, Party Politics, and Private Sector Development in Africa." Drawing on the theory developed in her recent book, Party Politics and Economic Reform in Africa's Democracies, Anne Pitcher offers an explanation for the different outcomes of neoliberal economic reforms adopted by African countries over the last two decades. Pitcher argues that patterns of private sector development depend not only on the kinds of institutional arrangements adopted by states in order to create or expand their private sectors, but also on the nature of party system competition and the quality of democracy in particular countries. After discussing the institutional choices made by African governments to create or expand their private sectors, the lecture will demonstrate how party politics shaped the privatization process in Mozambique and Zambia. 

Property and Political Order in Africa: Land Rights and the Structure of Politics

What: Property and Political Order in Africa: Land Rights and the Structure of Politics

When: Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 4:30 - 6:00 PM  

Where: Roberta Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies -1902 Sheridan Road 
Evanston, IL 60208

For more information you can contact Elizabeth Morrissey at

Dr. Catherine Boone of the University of Texas- Austin will be talking about "Property and Political Order in Africa: Land Rights and the Structure of Politics" at Northwestern University. This lecture is part of the EDGS Speaker Series on Property Rights, Power, and the Rule of Law. Boone specializes in comparative politics, with an emphasis on theories of political economy and economic development. She has conducted research on industrial, commercial, and land tenure policies in West Africa and East Africa, with research funding from the Social Science Research Council, Fulbright, the World Bank, and the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the University of Texas. Her current research focuses on territorial politics and rural property rights in contemporary Africa.

Chinese in Africa, African Responses

What: "The Chinese in Africa, African Responses" Lecture By Yoon Jung Park

When: Thursday, October 18, 2012 from 6-7 PM  

Where: DePaul University, Arts and Letters Hall, 2315 N. Kenmore Ave., Room 410, Chicago, IL

For more information please call Kate Dargis at (847) 491-7323 or


Dr. Yoon Jung Park will be discussing "Chinese in Africa, African Responses." Recent headlines from Africa would lead readers to believe that Africa has a huge problem with Chinese workers, traders and criminals. Kenya, Malawi, Zambia and Angola have recently featured in articles covering incidents involving Chinese in their midst. Based on both quantitative and qualitative research in southern Africa carried out over several years, Dr Park argues, however, that African responses to Chinese migrants are wide-ranging, varying from country to country (and even within countries) and change rapidly in response to local circumstances. African perceptions of and responses to Chinese migrants must be seen as socially embedded and historically rooted. She illustrates some of the different responses with stories of encounters from Lesotho, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.

Dr. Yoon Jung Park is currently a freelance researcher. She has affiliations with the Sociology Department at Rhodes University (Grahamstown, South Africa) and the African Studies Department at Howard University (Washington, DC). She also serves as the convener/coordinator of the Chinese in Africa/Africans in China (CA/AC) Research Network, an international network of scholars, researchers, graduate students, journalists, filmmakers and practitioners, which she helped to establish in 2007.

Widely considered an expert on Chinese in South Africa and Chinese migration in Africa, Dr Park is currently working on a new book on Chinese migrants in Africa for ZED books. She is the author of A Matter of Honour. Being Chinese in South Africa (Jacana/Lexington Books) and dozens of articles and book chapters in scholarly publications including Les Temps Modernes, African Studies, African & Asian Studies, Transformation, and the Journal of Chinese Overseas. Her current research interests include Chinese in southern Africa and perceptions of Chinese by local communities; migration; race, ethnicity and identity; race, class and power dynamics; affirmative action and Chinese South Africans; and xenophobia.

Between Heaven & Earth: Birds in Ancient Egypt

What: Gallery Talk: Between Heaven & Earth: Birds in Ancient Egypt

When: Wednesday, October 17 at 12:15 pm

Where: The Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago 
1155 East 58th Street Chicago, IL 60637

Price: Free

The University of Chicago's Oriental Institute will be holding a gallery talk entitled, "Between Heaven & Earth: Birds in Ancient Egypt" on Wednesday, October 17th. Exhibit curator Rozenn Bailleul-LeSuer will show visitors how the millions of migratory birds that filled the skies every spring and fall influenced all aspects of ancient Egyptian life and culture.This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please call the Oriental Institute's Public Education Office at 773-702-9507. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

African Forum & Film Series 2012

The Kemetic Institute presents: "African Forum & Film Series 2012" - This film series will feature four films on African issues. 

What: The Gullah/Geechee Nation

When: October 12

Where: 700 East Oakwood Bvd. Chicago, IL 60653

Price: Free with a suggested donation of $5

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

TPS extended for Haitians

The Department Homeland Security (DHS) recently extended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haitians for an additional 18 months. They also extended the suspension of certain requirements for F-1 nonimmigrant Haitian students.

The extension of TPS for Haiti will begin Jan. 23, 2013, and end July 22, 2014. DHS first designated Haiti for TPS on Jan. 21, 2010, after major earthquakes devastated the country.

Current Haitian TPS beneficiaries, who have continuously resided in the United States since Jan. 12, 2011, and seek to extend their TPS status, must re-register during the 60-day re-registration period that runs through Nov. 30, 2012, if they wish to maintain their TPS. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) encourages beneficiaries to re-register as soon as possible within the 60-day period. USCIS will accept applications starting now through Nov. 30, 2012. Individuals who have not continuously resided in the United States since Jan. 12, 2011, will not be eligible.

The 18-month extension also allows TPS re-registrants to apply for a new Employment Authorization Document (EAD). Eligible Haitian TPS beneficiaries who timely re-register will receive a new EAD, if requested, with an expiration date of July 22, 2014. USCIS recognizes that all re-registrants may not receive their new EADs until after their current EADs expire. Therefore, USCIS is extending currently valid TPS Haiti EADs bearing a Jan. 22, 2013, expiration date for an additional six months, through July 22, 2013.

DHS also suspended certain requirements for F-1 nonimmigrant Haitian students. The extension will enable these F-1 students to continue to obtain employment authorization, work an increased number of hours while school is in session, and reduce their course load, while maintaining their F-1 student status. The suspension of the regulatory requirements will remain in effect for an additional 18 months, through July 22, 2014.

For information on the TPS application process and eligibility requirements, go to

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Nigerian Independence Day!

To all those wishing to celebrate with the Nigerian community in Chicago, the Nigerian Community of Chicagoland will be holding a Nigerian Independence parade on Saturday October 6th starting at 11am. The parade will be held on Sheridan Rd. from Foster Ave. to Sunnyside.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Become a US Citizen Today!

For more information and help applying for citizenship, you can call us at (312) 949-9980, visit us at 3424 S. State Street Suite 3C8-2 (on the corner of 35th and State Street), or email us at We are here to help you!

African Cultural Dinner and Fundraiser!

Come enjoy African food, fashion and art, with entertainment by professional dancers and musicians! Hear from World Vision representatives about the life-changing work they are doing in Africa!

Donate $50 or more to an athlete today to reserve your admission!

  • Go to
  • Click 'donate'
  • Search Sandra Dodds
  • Donate on my participant page
Please include name/s of attendee/s and note 'fundraiser event' in memo line!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tanzanian Bye Bye Summer BBQ

Event: Bye Bye Summer BBQ
Date: September 29th
Time: Noon to 6pm
Location: Schiller Woods West Forest Preserve Grove Number 9, on the intersection of Irving Park Ave. and Cumberland Ave. 

This will be a great chance to enjoy the final days of warm weather in Chicago, meet TCA members, TCA Leaders and friends of Tanzania and be a part of organizing our next big event. Please bring food and drinks to share, and don't forget to bring your family and friends and clothes to play soccer in!

The South African Handspring Puppet Company will be performing Woyzeck on the Highveld at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago from September 27-30th. The play is about a migrant worker in South Africa under apartheid. Tickets ae $28 for MCA members, $35 for nonmembers, and $10 for students. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Uganda Independence Day Celebration

Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequality

“Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequity" is designed for dialogue and works to disentangle internal beliefs, attitudes, and pre-judgments about race. The film and workshop helps to build skills that address the structural drivers of social and economic inequities. At the event, film clips will be braided with dialogue facilitated by Shakti Butler. This program is ideal for anyone yearning for change yet wary of conversation about race. This event will take place on Wednesday, September 26, 2012 from 9 am to 2:30 pm.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

African Pillar of Excellence Award Winner - Almaz Yigizaw

Almaz Yigizaw 
African Pillar of Excellence Award

Almaz Yigizaw was born in Gondar in Ethiopia. She arrived in Chicago as a refugee in April, 1982 at the age of 16. She attended High School and College in Chicago. 

While taking a business class, Almaz developed the idea for the Ethiopian Diamond Restaurant. In August 1996, she opened the first Ethiopian Diamond restaurant in Chicago. She opened a second Ethiopian Diamond branch in 2010. Almaz has made an enormous contribution to her community in Roger's Park and to the broader African community in Chicago. Two generations of children on the North Side have grown up on her food, and been introduced to the rich culture of Ethiopia through her restaurant. Almaz' Ethiopian Diamond restaurant has become a center for African immigrants and refugees on the North Side. 

Almaz always opens her restaurant to the community for events ranging from advocacy meetings and bridge-building functions to birthdays and baptisms. Through her leadership, energy and culinary prowess, Almaz Yigizaw has played a huge role in empowering Chicago's African community.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Kwame Nkrumah Visionary Award Winner - Gregory Nimpson

Gregory Nimpson 
Kwame Nkrumah Visionary Award 

Gregory Blamoh Nimpson is a native of Pleebo, Maryland County, in Liberia.  He is the second oldest of 5 brothers and 1 sister (deceased).  Greg came to the United States as a teenager and attended schools in Montana, Indiana, and finally Chicago.  He has been a Chicago resident ever since. 
Greg is extremely involved in the Liberian community in Chicago because he knows that his contribution can and does make an impact.  He served on various committees of the Organization of the Liberian Community in Illinois (OLCI), and later served as president, and chairman of its Board of Directors.
He is a past Secretary and current President of the World Soccer League, a recreational league comprised of local teams with players from Africa, Central America, and the Caribbean.  Greg served as Chairman of the steering committee that restructured the United African Organization, including developing new guidelines for membership, establishing a new focus, and implementing a new structure.
As a member of the Our Lady of Fatima and St. Francis High Schools Alumni Association in the Americas, Greg contributes to annual scholarships to sponsor students in Maryland County who are attending those high schools.  Gregory is the father of three adult daughters and grandfather of 11-month old Yanaa.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Community Hero Award Winner - Akoto Berko Owusu

Akoto Berko Owusu 
Community Hero Award 

Akoto Berko Owusu aka “The Journalist” is the publisher and editor of African Spectrum Newspaper.  He is a graduate of Roosevelt University.   

Since 1999, African Spectrum has covered various issues pertaining to people of African descent.  Mr. Owusu and African Spectrum have sponsored many major events that feature  people of color including the African Festival of Arts, African Caribbean Festival of Life, Ghanafest and the International Reggae and World Music Awards to name a few. 

Mr. Owusu has received numerous citations from many organizations such as the Mahogany Scholarship Foundation, Black Heritage Awards, Ghana National Council, the State of Illinois and the Cook County Treasurer's office.  Mr. Owusu has also been instrumental in helping many Africans in the Chicago area obtain and find jobs in the health field as certified nursing assistants.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ubuntu Leadership Award Winner - Alice Cottingham

Alice Cottingham 
Ubuntu Leadership Award

Alice Cottingham has worked in and for the nonprofit sector for more than thirty years.  She began in community organizations focused on issues close to her heart: reproductive rights, women’s rights and health, youth development, and immigrant and refugee rights.   
She then worked in social justice grantmaking, with the Crossroads Fund, the Fund for Immigrants and Refugees, and Girl’s Best Friend Foundation.  Five years ago, she formed her own business to consult with foundations and community organizations.   

Alice lives in Oak Park with her husband, Dave, a social worker, and son, Sam, a high school junior.   She is touched and honored to be recognized by United African Organization, whose work and mission she enthusiastically supports.

5 Great Reasons to Purchase Your Ticket to the Gala NOW

1. UAO provides lots of great FREE services to the African community in Chicago everyday

2. It will be a really fun party to celebrate the African community and its achievements this year.

3. Nigerian artist Ugochi will be performing music from her new album Afro Soul Effect

4. There will be AMAZING food from Yassa (Senegalese), Marakech (Moroccan), Ethiopian Diamond (Ethiopia), Pizza Capri (Italian), Cedars (Mediterranean), and Norman's Bistro (American Creole). There will also be DELICIOUS desserts from Brown Sugar, Divine Chocolates, and Terry's Toffees

5. It will be a great opportunity to network with African in Chicago

Please purchase your tickets by clicking HERE!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Meet Our Award Winners!

This week we will be revealing the award winners for this year's African Unity Gala and Awards event. To find out who the winners are and learn more about their contributions to the African diaspora community in Chicago continue to check in to our blog each day for the big reveal at 5pm each day.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Alie Kabba on WVON Today

UAO Executive Director Alie Kabba is talking now on Chicago's WVON radio station. He will be on from 2-4 pm talking about the South African mine strike, the African Unity Gala and Awards event, and other topics related to African news and the diaspora in Chicago.

You can listen now on WVON 1690AM or by clicking HERE!


Need something to do tonight in Chicago? Nigerian playwright Wale Ogunyemi and director Sina Odukoya will be presenting their adaption of the classic Nigerian play Eniyan or Everyman at the Iyanze African Restaurant from September 14th to the 16th. The restaurant is located at 4623 N. Broadway and parking will be available. The show starts at 8pm on Friday and Saturday and on Sunday at 4pm. UAO representatives will also be there tonight selling tickets to our African Unity Gala & Awards event and raffle tickets.

Download African Voices Episode 12

Please go to iTunes to download this month's episode of African Voices! This month's episode features Therese Kennelly talking about news stories from Chicago and the African continent, advice on petitioning for family members to come to the US, a Ghanaian recipe, and interviews with Nigerian musician Ugochi and Guinean fashion designer Kadiatou Diallo.

Click HERE to download African Voices Episode 12

The African Unity and Gala Awards Event is Only a Week Away!

Next Saturday (September 22nd), please join us in celebrating African unity and culture and honoring the accomplishments of our 2012 Awardees! There will be live music, poetry, refreshments, and a raffle! The event will occur at the IIT Tower Bulding (10 W. 35th Street) from 6:30-9:30 pm.

Thinking about ways to support the event? Well, here are five easy steps:

(1) Please click HERE to purchase a ticket now!

(2) Click HERE to RSVP to the event on Facebook

(3) Click HERE to advertise in our program booklet.

(4) Click HERE to sponsor the event.

(5) Spread the word!! Tell your network to attend the gala on September 22, 2012 and support a worthy cause!
With your support, you ensure that UAO continues to promote for social and economic justice, civic participation, and empowerment of African immigrants and refugees. So come out and have fun!

For more information, please e-mail or call 312-949-9980.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Vote for UAO in Chase Community Giving Program

Until September 19, you can
vote for us in the Chase Community Giving Program

We need your vote to advance opportunities for our community!

Your vote will help us win a grant ranging from $10,000 to $250,000, which will support our programs and services aimed at community development and empowerment.

Click to vote

How to vote

If you are on Facebook:
If you are a Chase Customer:

Monday, September 10, 2012

Western Union Family Scholarship Program!

The Family Scholarship Program is helping immigrant/migrant fathers and sons, mothers and daughters and brothers and sisters move up the economic development ladder through education. 

Scholarships are used for college tuition, language acquisition, technical training and GED classes, with two family members receiving a scholarship to help achieve the type of education they need in order to create a brighter future for their entire family.

Eligibility requirements:
  • All applicants for scholarships must be age 18 or older.
  • Both applicants are members of the same family.
  • Applicants must have been in the United States for 7 years or less.
  • Both applicants must have been born outside of the United States.
  • Both applicants must be living in the United States currently.
  • Applicants must reside in one of the following U.S. locations: Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California; Denver, Colorado; Chicago, Illinois; New York, New York; Washington, DC; Miami, Florida
  • The educational institutions for both of the family members must be in the United States.
  • The application must include educational institutions for both the primary and secondary award recipients (the two family members).
  • Scholarships may be used for tuition for college/university education, language acquisition classes, technical/skill training, and/or financial literacy.
  • Scholarships may not be used for advanced degrees (such as Masters, PhD).
  • Scholarships will only be made to nonprofit accredited higher education institutions and nonprofit training/educational providers.
  • Western Union employees, Western Union Agents and dependents are not eligible to apply for these scholarships.
Process for Selection

Scholarship recipients are determined in a selection process independently managed by the Institute of International Education (IIE), an international non-profit educational exchange organization. All scholarship awards will be paid directly to the educational providers. No payments will be made to individuals.


August 27, 2012: Application open and available
September 25, 2012: Application due date
November 5 - 9, 2012: Notifications made

Contact Information

For questions related to this scholarship program, please contact the administering organization, Institute of International Education (IIE) by phone, fax, or e-mail at:

Institute of International Education
1400 K St. NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: (202)326-7861
Fax: (202)326-7696

Thursday, September 6, 2012

African Unity Gala & Awards!!

Join us for an evening to celebrate African unity and culture!

On September 22nd, join us in celebrating African unity and culture and honoring the accomplishments of our 2012 Awardees! There will be live music, poetry, refreshments, and a raffle! 
Alice Cottingham 
Ubuntu Leadership Award 

Almaz Yigizaw 
African Pillar of Excellence Award 

Gregory Nimpson 
Kwame Nkrumah Visionary Award 

Akoto Berko Owusu 
Community Hero Award 

Saturday, September 22 at 6:30 PM - 9:30PM
IIT Tower Building
10 W. 35th Street
Chicago, IL 60616

With your support, you ensure that UAO continues to promote for social and economic justice, civic participation, and empowerment of African immigrants and refugees. So come out and have fun!

Thinking about ways to support the event? Well, here are four easy steps:

(1) If you have not done so already, please click HERE to purchase a ticket now!

(2) Click HERE to advertise in our program booklet.

(3) Click HERE to sponsor the event.

(4) Spread the word!! Tell your network to attend the gala on September 22, 2012 and support a worthy cause!

For more information, please e-mail or call 312-949-9980.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Celebrate Ethiopian New Year!

Two events are coming on the occasion of Ethiopian New Year! Join Us!

Ethiopian Day Celebration, Friday September 7, 2012
Friday, from 12pm-1pm
Daley Plazza 50 W. Washington St.
Chicago, Il

Enqutatash Party on September 8, 2012
Saturday, from 8pm-3am
Croatian Cultural Center 
2845 W. Devon Ave.
Chicago, Il


Join us for CAN-TV, tonight!

Join us for tonight's show on CAN-TV! Tonight, Alie Kabba and guest Sarah Travis will be discussing our upcoming Immigrant workshop (Sept. 8), more information on the Deferred Action (DREAM Act), details about our next Citizenship workshop (Sept. 29) and our African Unity & Awards Gala!

Tune into CAN-TV from 6:30-7pm (CST) to get the latest from the African Community!

View last month's episode!
CANTV - July 2012: Making the most of Obama's DREAM Relief Memo from Alie Kabba on Vimeo.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

African Scholarship Competition!

As summer ends, fall begins. When fall begins, so does the new school year!

Are you, or someone you know in need of scholarship money? The UAO can help you on your road to further your education! 

The UAO will award two (2) scholarships worth $1,000 each this year to honor the memory of Sgt. Albert Dono Ware, who died from wounds sustained when his vehicle was attacked with an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in the Arghandab River Valley of Afghanistan on December 18, 2009.  Originally from Liberia, Sgt. Ware's exemplary service to his adopted homeland, United States of America, lasted for six years in the military.  He was assigned to the 782nd Combat Support Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg in North Carolina. 

For more details and to download the Application Packet, click here

E-mail: or call (312) 949-9980 for more information.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Diaspora Council of Tanzanian in America Conference!

You are all invited for this years DICOTA 2012 Convention themed "Tanzania Diaspora - Investment Citizenship and Relationship"- to be held at the Chicago Marriot Hotel by O'hare Airport

Where: 8535 W. Higgin Road
Chicago, Illinois 60631 USA

When: August 30th- September 2nd, 2012

Important Dates: 8/16/2012 end of $149 registration fee
8/17/2012 start of $219 registeration fee

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

DreamRelief Day Announcement


Chicago, Illinois — Congressman Luis Gutierrez joined the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) to announce DREAM Relief Day on August 15 at Navy Pier’s Grand Ballroom from 9 am to 2 pm and to unveil the website, where undocumented youth will be able to apply for their work permits starting August 15.

On June 15, 2012, the Obama Administration announced that it would offer many DREAM Act-eligible youth temporary relief through “deferred action.” The memorandum offers hope to many eligible young adults by providing the opportunity to live and work in the US lawfully. The State of Illinois is home to over 75,000 DREAM Act-eligible youth.

“August 15 marks the beginning of a new life for many undocumented youth,” said Lawrence Benito, ICIRR’s Chief Executive Officer.“We encourage every undocumented youth who fits the criteria to take advantage of this great opportunity to come out of the shadows by applying for deferred action,” he added.


  • Youths must meet five criteria to qualify for deferred action:
  • They must have come to the US before they turned 16;
  • They must have been born after June 15, 1981;
  • They must have continuously resided in the US since June 15, 2007, and must have been present in the US on June 15, 2012;
  • They must currently be in school, have received a high school diploma or GED, or been honorably discharged from the US Armed Forces or the Coast Guard;
  • They must not have been convicted of a felony, a “significant misdemeanor,” multiple misdemeanor offenses, or otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety. Anyone applying for deferred action would need to go through a criminal background check.

Confused about whether you would qualify for deferred action? check out our new flow chart!

Don’t forget to pre-register for DREAM Relief Day if you think you qualify and plan on joining us on August 15th. We will have tons of lawyers available to assist you in your application!

In the mean time, check out one of the upcoming info sessions!

For more information, visit:


Source: ICIRR

Monday, July 30, 2012

Mayor Emanuel aims to make Chicago ‘most immigrant friendly city in the country’

Mayor Rahm Emanuel introduced a Welcoming City Ordinance that builds on efforts to make Chicago the most immigrant-friendly city in the country by incorporating basic protections for undocumented Chicagoans who have not been convicted of a serious crime and are not wanted on a criminal warrant. The ordinance builds on an existing ordinance and longtime City policy that prohibits agencies from inquiring about the immigration status of people seeking City services, and provides that the Chicago Police Department (CPD) will not question crime victims, witnesses and other law-abiding residents about their legal status. 

“This Welcoming City ordinance will make Chicago a national leader in welcoming those who play by the rules, contribute to our economy and help make Chicago the incredible city that was envisioned by its first immigrant settlers,” said Mayor Emanuel.

 The ordinance will be expanded to ensure that undocumented Chicagoans will only be detained if they have an outstanding criminal warrant; have been convicted of a felony; are a defendant in a criminal case where a judgment has not been entered and a felony charge is pending; have been identified as a known gang member; or if they are otherwise a clear threat to public safety or national security.

 For the full article, click here.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

UAO extends condolences to the Ghanaian community

We at United African Organization extend our heartfelt condolences to the Ghanaian community here and in Ghana over the untimely passing of their President, John Atta Mills, earlier today.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Diaspora Donors Networking Event!

Connect, Network, and Learn! 

Are you interested in designing and supporting community projects back in your home country?  If so, you are invited to a special meeting on Monday, July 30, 2012 to network with a diverse group of individuals, foundations and organizations in international philanthropy!

When: Monday, July 30th, 2012
Where: IIT Tower Building (10 W. 35th Street, Chicago, IL), Floor 6
Time: 5:30- 7:30

Refreshments will be served.

Please e-mail Sarah Travis, UAO Community Resource Specialist, at or 312-949-9980 to RSVP for the event. Space is limited!  Don't miss this unique network opportunity!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Illinois Women WIN with the Affordable Care Act!!

Starting Strong Illinois invites you to the fourth in a series of webinars on the Affordable Care Act. 

This webinar on Wednesday, August 1 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. CDT, will focus on how Illinois women have and will benefit from the Affordable Care Act.

Starting on August 1, 2012, women will be able to access preventive services specific to their unique health care needs, without a co-pay, cost-sharing, or deductible. Learn more about these benefits, as well as other provisions in the Affordable Care Act that protect and promote women’s health.

Learn about the FREE preventive services available to women starting on August 1, as well as other benefits already in place;

Understand why women have so much to gain from the ACA; 

Find out about pending Illinois policy decisions related to ACA implementation and what you can do to ensure women’s health is prioritized.

The Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coalition and the Shriver Center combine their experience and expertise in working with community health providers and with the nuts and bolts of state and federal health programs including Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to bring credible, relevant and useful information to Illinois providers. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Join us for our African Community picnic!

Get the Family Out: African Community Picnic

  • Food
  • Music
  • FREE Give-Aways
  • Games
  • Raffles 
  • Much More!!
August 4, 2012
37th & State St
Chicago, IL 60616


Contact us for more information:
312.949.9980 |

Chicago Housing Authority to accept applications

The Chicago Housing Authority, will be accepting applications for the re-opening of its public housing community area wait list. WCDC will be taking applications for Lincoln Square (2, 3, and 4 Bedrooms) Community Area ONLY. Maximum income restrictions apply. ADA accessible units are available. The CHA will conduct an electronic lottery drawing to determine each registrant’s place on the wait list. For more information please click here for English, and here for Spanish!

Join us for the UAO's Youth Leadership Workshop!


July 21, 2012 - Leadership Workshop

Saturday, July 21, 2012 
9:00am – 1:00pm 
10 West 35th Street 
6th floor – University Room 
Chicago, IL 60616 

Youth Engagement & Empowerment: Developing a new generation of effective leaders for the future 

· Cultivating youth activists

· Creating opportunities for youth-led initiatives

· Inter-generational learning

Facilitator - Bryan Echols is an experienced community and youth organizer in Chicago. As Executive Director for Metropolitan Area Group for Igniting Civilization (MAGIC), Bryan launched exciting programs for teens, such as a mural arts programs, music programs and youth organizing training. Bryan is interested in reconnecting the Diaspora and Africa, and working with multi-ethnic coalitions to build power for marginalized communities nationwide.

Please invite your network for this FREE leadership workshop.

For more information:

Email: | Phone: 312-949-9980

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Press Release for Mali: Destruction of Religious Sites in Timbuktu

(CHICAGO, IL July 11, 2012) – The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) joins other sobering voices around the world, including the United African Organization and CIOGC member native Malians in a prayer for a return to peaceful co-existence of the many historic tribal communities in Mali, West Africa. CIOGC strongly condemns the outrageous destruction of Mali’s historical sites and artifacts. The extremist groups, many of whom have no connection to the Malian people or land, are acting on an ideology that has no regard for sacred symbols or peace. They are outside of the mainstream of the Islamic faith.

CIOGC has a long history in standing in solidarity for the rights and dignities of Muslims and non-Muslims around the world, it can do no less in face of these wanton acts of destruction in Mali.

CIOGC has a long history in standing in solidarity for the rights and dignities of Muslims and non-Muslims around the world, it can do no less in face of these wanton acts of destruction in Mali.
We add our voice to the United African Organization in speaking out against the continuing violations and abuses of human rights by armed terrorist groups occupying the northern part of Mali and the worsening humanitarian situation on the ground.

The diverse Muslim communities represented by CIOGC call for an end to the acts of vandalism in the besieged ancient African Muslim cities like Timbuktu, Jenne and Gao in Mali.

We join our voice because Mali occupies a special place in the global and glorious history of Islam. But importantly because we must live up to our own values to insure the livelihood of all. As stated by Alie Kabba, Executive Director of the United African Organization office in Chicago, the Muslim world goes beyond the traditional Middle Eastern and North African countries and, “understanding our interconnectedness through history is an essential cornerstone of our responsibility to appreciate the faith that unites our diverse community.”